Find Any File is Shareware

You may try it out without buying first. Simply download it.

If you keep using it you are expected to pay for it, though.


Find Any File (FAF)

Key Features

  • Convenient folder and icon views for results
  • Can search in other users' home folders ("root" mode)
  • Searches can be saved for easy re-use
  • Can be launched with a self defined keyboard shortcut

New in version 2.5:

Support (for Find Any File).

Quick jump to: Trouble Shooting | Known Problems | FAQs | More Hints | Contact

Other ways to ask for help or exchange ideas:

(Like to use something different? Email me (see below) to make suggestions.)

Trouble Shooting Collapse all | Expand all

Copy & Paste in Finder doesn't work in 2.5.4

I have purchased before but am shown the "Purchase" button again. Where is my registration / license code?

I have purchased FAF in the Mac App Store (MAS), but I keep getting the purchase reminder.

I like to purchase FAF in the Mac App Store, but it says that it's already installed.

I need help enabling Full Disk Access (FDA).

"in Finder selection" always shows "(–)".

When I try to update FAF, it fails with the message "Failed to change owner & group".

Find Any File isn't responsive or crashes at launch.

FAF does not display all the files it should have found.

I cannot search in Time Machine backups.

When searching Time Machine backups, the number of found items varies for the same search criteria.

FAF does not find my documents in iCloud.

In Google Drive, search is very slow or fails to find files, even.

My main volume (e.g. "Macintosh HD") is listed twice, once with "(Data)". Why?

In root mode ("Find All"), the keyboard uses the wrong language / layout.

Known Problems Collapse all | Expand all

It doesn't take seconds, it takes minutes to search a disk.

Certain folders and apps are not found (localized names).

The program does not find anything on my desktop or in my home folder.

FAQ Collapse all | Expand all

What are the system requirements (supported OS versions)?

I often search in the same location or with the same rules. Can I make FAF remember / save them?

What does it mean when "(slow)" appears?

Why do some items, e.g. applications, show only "-" for their size?

I like to see all folder sizes.

When I search for "File Size equals 0" I still get items listed with a larger size.

When opening a folder by clicking its triangle, I like it to open all deeper levels as well.

There used to be options to search for File Type and Creator Code. Where are they? (Expert Mode)

Can you add more search criteria, e.g. logical combinations ("and", "or")?

How can I print the results?

How do I move found items to a different folder?

What can the root mode (Find All) find that the normal Find won't?

Can you add searching in specific folders instead of searching always an entire disk?

What is CatSearch (searchfs) and when is it used?

Since High Sierra or Mojave, searching has become very slow (on APFS volumes).

Entering commands in Terminal.

Opening FAF's AppSupport (Application Support) folder.

Can you improve text (content) search, such as looking for words or showing where the results appear in a text file?

What is the "FindAnyFileDockPlugin.docktileplugin" used for?

Want to help with translating FAF? Found a language issue in FAF?

Hints and Tips Collapse all | Expand all

Addings Tags, Removing Tags and Labels, "Touching" files and more commands working on the found items (Services).

Rename, compress, expand, permissions, ACL, checksumming and folders sizes through the FileUtils extension.

Searching on NAS systems (Synology, QNAP).

Change FAF's icon in the Dock and in Finder.

Initiate search from programs such as Alfred, Keyboard Maestro, Raycast and PopClip.

Disable the alternating row colors in results.

Control what happens when nothing or something is found.

Ways to copy the results to the clipboard in various formats.

More languages (Croatian, Czech, Norwegian, Russian, Swedish).

Additional (Hidden) Preferences / Settings.

Still have questions?

Contact Thomas by e-mail.